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Work Health & Safety


We are almost drowning in a sea of regulations. Most people wouldn't even know what the current WHS regulations are. How would they? They keep changing. However, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law. The cost in time and money for production companies to comply is ever increasing. Sound Solution can no longer give the discount prices we once could, but we can still offer our customers a professional service that meets with current NSW WHS regulations & the 2021 Covid-Safe regulations.

Sound Solution's long experience has made us very familiar with the laws and regulations and codes of practice for all technical aspects of live production. From manual handling and electrical testing and tagging to the allowable number of decibels in a particular place at a particular time. We cannot emphasis enough the importance of WHS to the live entertainment industry and live performance. Taking WHS seriously keeps us all save and makes us a responsible and credible industry, and keeps the entertainment industry live.

I could go on about Live Entertainment being a Health Food of a Nation. The voice of the people, drawing people out of their homes to enjoy life and to socialize with other real human beings sharing a common experience. Live performance of any description, including public speaking, helps to grow a culture that reflects the feelings and the needs of the people. Not to mention the needs of the entertainers themselves to practice their art and make a living. Need I say more. It has never been more important to keep it live. The Law states that we all have a 'Duty of Care' to comply with all WHS laws and regulations by staying up to date with current WHS regulations.

We are all born with just one miraculous body to last us our life time. Remember 'prevention is the best cure'. Prevention of injury or death is what WHS is all about. After all, we are not machines we are flesh and blood. WHS is not just the law but it is an important requirement for people in today's world.


Work Health and Safety Act 2011

The objects of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 are to:

  • secure and promote the health, safety and welfare of people at work
  • protect people against workplace health and safety risks
  • provide for consultation and cooperation between employers and workers in achieving the objects of the Act
  • ensure that risks are identified, assessed and eliminated or controlled,
  • develop and promote community awareness of occupational health and safety issues,
  • provide a legislative framework that allows for progressively higher standards of occupational health and safety to take account of new technologies and work practices
  • protect people against risks arising from the use of plant (ie. machinery, equipment or appliances).


Work Health and Safety

If you have been keeping abreast of the changing world of WHS you will know that OH&S is now Work Health & Safety. The name may have changed but generally the laws and regulations regarding work place safety are much the same. It is our responsibility to keep up to date with the current laws and regulations and the codes of conduct that are relevant to our industry. It really is in our own best interest and for those working with us to take safety and the law very seriously.

Our 2021 Covid-19 Safety Plan